Bale for Eriksen: Yes or No?

Christian Eriksen

Christian Eriksen

We think we already know the answer to this question and, having read social media posts on the morning of May 22, 2019, there appears to be little love for Christian Eriksen right now. The thought of some form of swap deal involving Gareth Bale or, a straight 80 million Euro sale seems to have got most commenters excited but will we all be happy to say goodbye to the great Dane?

Frustrating Figure

For many, Eriksen is a frustrating presence, particularly from set pieces where his inability to beat the first man from corners is reaching legendary proportions. He is also our first choice free kick taker and while he’s scored some important goals from dead ball situations, the accuracy ratio seems to have dropped off in recent seasons.

However, while the reports of an 80 million Euro bid from Real Madrid were breaking, a stat showed that Christian’s goals were responsible for notching 17 points this season – more than any other Spurs player. There are criticisms that he seems to always want to take a shot rather than an obvious pass but what if he hadn’t fired against Brighton in the closing stages of the campaign?

Football is a game of ifs and buts but that is an interesting statistic to say the least. Without those contributions, we’d have been outside of the top four and behind you know who so the vitriol that has come from certain sections seems puzzling.

A Hero’s Return?

gareth bale

Gareth Bale

If we were to get 80 million Euros for Eriksen then we’d need to trust the club to spend it appropriately. They don’t have a great track record in this respect but Spurs are in a different position than in 2013 when we sold Gareth Bale.

A brand new stadium that some are calling the best in Europe is hosting regular Champions League football and we’re in that UCL final. While we’ll have to baulk at the bigger money signings – rightly so in the case of Wilfried Zaha – we are surely more of an attractive proposition in 2019.

Of course, if Gareth Bale were to be tempted back to Tottenham, it would be problem solved. A like-for-like replacement some might say but with more potency and a more accurate eye for goal.

Bale’s slump in popularity is perplexing but it underlines the pressures at Real. He’s won four Champions League titles, scoring the winning goal in two finals, but he’s jeered right now and there are reports of his car being attacked. He certainly won’t be subject to that kind of abuse if he came home.

Yes or No?

Back to the original question and perhaps we should be asking whether you would be happy to see Christian Eriksen leave the club. If the straw poll from social media can be taken seriously, then the answer would have to be yes but, of course, it could be argued that many Tweeters only go on when they have something to complain about.

We’re drawn on this one: The Dane is one of our favourites and has produced some happy memories in his six years at the club. Eriksen has now scored 66 goals in all competitions for Spurs and there have been some important strikes among that selection.

As a straight-ish swap for Gareth Bale then we’d have to say yes and welcome back one of the greatest players in the history of Tottenham Hotspur. As a straight sale you’d have to ask whether the board can bring in someone better. 80 million Euros would need to be invested wisely in order to replace a man who seems to have divided opinion within the fanbase.

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